Inner Freedom Sessions
Welcome to our website. We are still working on the online booking. If you would like to book a session, you will need to know what kind of session you would like to book and how to book it. Please read the information below. Please note, all session take place on Mondays.
Three Types of Sessions
Introduction Session - First session with us. This is if you have never had a session with us before.
Follow up Session - This is anyone that has completed the introduction session or is returning for more sessions.
Blessing Session - This is normally done at the end of a series of sessions, at least 3 Follow up Sessions.
Introduction Session
To book this session you will need to download 2 documents. An application & liability release form and a spiritual inventory. The application and release form will need to be mailed or emailed to us. The third form you print and bring with you to your first session. Click the button to the right to download the documents.
Once we receive the application and liability release we reach out to you to book your session.
Mail to: Agape Family Fellowship
Att: Inner Freedom Ministry
PO Box 198
Tangent, OR 97389
Or email:
Follow up Session
This is a session that is done after you have competed an Introduction Session. Email us asking for a follow up session. Give us your full name, when your last session was, and if you prefer 4:30 or 6:30 sessions.
Blessing Session
This is the session that wraps up a series of sessions. This is normally done after 3 or more sessions. You will need a leaders approval to book this session.
Give us your full name, when your last session was, and if you prefer 4:30 or 6:30 sessions.