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Join us on this transformative journey towards healing and enlightenment.

Explore our curated selection of books on healing, carefully chosen by our team. Whether you're seeking guidance during your sessions, interested in interning with us, or eager to learn about our tools, we've compiled a list tailored to your needs.

Suggested read for your sessions

Blessing your Spirit

By Arthur A Burk, Sylvia Gunter, Arthur Burk- Truth is the nutrient that most powerfully transforms your spirit. Your spirit needs to know the truth about you and your God. Some of that truth is spoken by the Spirit of God to your spirit and some is input that you deliberately seek. 

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Our tools

Freedom Tools

By- Andy Reese, Jennifer Barnett, Neil T. Anderson- But what would happen if we had the ability and courage to speak out in love? In these pages Andy and Jennifer give you the practical understanding and simple tools to do just that.

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Our tools

The Healing Timeline: God's Shalom for the Past, Present and Future 

By M.A. Catherine- Talking about a problem in counseling does not always solve it. This book is God's Shalom for the Past, Present, and Future.



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Our tools

Two Hours To Freedom

Many Christians believe that once we are saved, past wounds, hurts and even consequences from mistakes get swept away. Yet what happens if we continue to be plagued with spiritual and emotional problems, and the intimacy we long for with Christ seems elusive?

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Suggested reading for your sessions

God Guides

By Mary Geegh- The God Guides book is a compilation of Mary Geegh’s journal entries written while serving as a missionary. She shares her practice of having a quiet time which focuses on listening to God for his guidance. This book can be used as a daily devotional or for group Bible studies.

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Our tools

Boundaries For Your Soual

By Alsiin cook, Kimberly Miller- You can turn your shame to joy, your anger to advocacy, and your inner critic into your biggest champion. 

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Our tools

Courts Of Heaven

By Robert  Henderson- Lean the legal processes of Heaven and how to operate in its courts. When you get off the battlefield and into the courtroom you can grant God the legal clearance to fulfill His passion and answer your prayers. 

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